Recently, it was argued that the energy density of the supranuclear dense matter inside the cores of massive neutron stars must have reached the uni max , beyond which supranuclear dense matter becomes incompressible entropy- free gluon-quark superfluid. As this matter is also confined and embedded in flat spacetime, it is Lorentz invariant and could be treated as vacuum. The lower bound of matter in the universe may be derived using the following observational constraints: 1) The average energy density of the observable universe is 10 9 OU erg/cc, 2) The observable universe is remarkably flat, and 3) the Hubble constant is a slowly decreasing function of cosmic time. Based thereon, I argue that the energy density in nature should be bounded from below by the average density of our vast and flat parent universe, , which is, in turn, comparable to the vacuum energy density vac , and amounts to 10 9 OU erg/cc. When the total energy density is measured relative to vac , then both GR and Newtonian field equations may consistently model the gravitational potential of the parent universe without invoking cosmological constants. Relying on the recently proposed unicentric model of the observable universe, UNIMOUN, the big bang must have warped the initially flat spacetime into a curved one, though the expansion of the fireball doomed the excited energy state to diffuse out and return back to the ground energy state that governs the flat spacetime of our vast parent universe.